Category Archives: News

News related to the Hunters Ridge community.

Important Notice Regarding Trash, Recycling & Yard Waste Services

The trash and recycling services historically provided to Hunters Ridge residents through Charlie & Son have been absorbed into the operations of Disposal Services, LLC (DSLLC). All trash and recycling services remain unchanged including pickup days, fees included in the annual assessment, recycling restrictions and contact phone number (703-670-9652). Please continue to use the Charlie & Son trash toter and recycle bin.

On August 16, 2021 Prince William County announced establishment of a new Yard Waste Collection Program. The key change is the mandatory separation and collection of yard waste from routine trash and recycling pickup. Beginning October 1, 2021, residents, businesses, and landscapers in Prince William County will be required to separate yard waste from the regular trash for disposal. Yard waste must be taken by residents to the Balls Ford Road Compost Facility whereas trash and recycling will continue to be collected and taken by DSLLC to the Prince William County Landfill.

The HOA has NOT contracted for yard waste removal. DSLLC WILL NOT be collecting yard waste under this new Code. Yard waste material brought to the Balls Ford facility must be placed in yard waste paper bags, or emptied loose in a yard waste designated area. Residents must purchase their own County approved bags. Yard waste includes wood chips, grass clippings, leaves, plants, flowers, tree trimmings and Christmas trees.

What this means for you as a Hunters Ridge resident effective October 1, 2021 is:

  • Yard waste must be separated from your normal trash and recycling material. Do not place yard waste at the street level for pickup. DSLLC will not pickup yard waste. Any effort to commingle yard waste with trash and recycling will result in all trash being rejected. The new Code prohibits DSLLC from allowing commingling.
  • It is the resident’s responsibility to get yard waste to the County’s Balls Ford facility.
  • Residents who have practiced yard waste recycling heretofore must now purchase approved bags and or containers in order to use the Balls Ford facility. For more details and a Q&A please refer to https://

Increasing our Familiarity with Hunters Ridge Declaration of Covenants, Conditions, and Restrictions

All Hunters Ridge homeowners, residents and renters are legally subject to the Declaration of Covenants, Conditions, and Restrictions.  The HOA will occasionally highlight provisions of these documents that are topical, potentially misunderstood or require clarification and/or reinforcement. As an example, do you know the contents of Article VIII (Restrictions), Section 9 of the Covenants?

Article VIII, Section 9 states the following:

“No animals, livestock or poultry of any kind shall be raised, bred or kept on any Lot, except that dogs, cats or other household pets may be kept provided they are not raised, bred, or kept for any commercial purposes.  Owners with pets shall be permitted to walk their leashed pets within Common Areas but shall be responsible for removing waste created by their pets in such Common Areas.”