Since its May, 2016 introduction, the Hunters Ridge Text Alert System has enrolled 259 Hunters Ridge residents representing approximately 140 homes, or 65% of the community. Interested in signing up online? Go to
Slow Down or Pay the Price
Hunters Ridge continues to experience speeding problems; especially since the streets were repaved. The HOA continues to look for ways to slow speeding drivers down as evidenced by the introduction of speed tables several years ago. Recently, at the HOA’s request, the County Board of Supervisors approved our request to designate the entire community as subject to an additional $200 fine for speeding. That means that a driver ticketed for going 40 MPH in Hunters Ridge will pay a $361 fine ($6 per MPH over limit + $71 court cost + $200 extra fine). Based on earlier County studies in the community, vehicles are regularly driven well in excess of 40 MPH. The HOA has recently contacted the Prince William police and requested an increased level of speed monitoring. Prior enforcement “pushes” qualitatively revealed that the speeding problem is not exclusively cut-through traffic as is frequently assumed. A large number of residents or their visitors or their contractors were ticketed. Please slow down. Speeding gets very expensive!