Author Archives: Mike Caruso

New Contact Information

As a result of the November, 2019 elections contact information for the PWC School Board and the PWC Planning Commission have changed. New contact info is included below:

School Board

Barbur B. Lateef, M.D. ,Chairman At-Large,,  571.353.5469

Loree Y. Williams Vice, Chairwoman Woodbridge District,,  571.242.8259

Adele Jackson, Brentsville District,, 703.791.8709

Lillie G. Jessie, Occoquan District,, 571.659.1636

Diane L. Raulston, Neabsco District,,  571.251.3467

Jennifer T. Wall, Gainesville District,,  703.791.8709

Justin David Wilk, Potomac District,,  703.791.8709

Lisa A. Zargarpur, Coles District,

Planning Commission

Don Taylor, Parliamentarian At- Large,,  703.927.2118

Patti McKay, Brentsville District,,  703.282.7954

Joseph Fontanella, Jr., Coles District,

Richard Berry, Gainesville District,,  703.754.4120

Bill Milne, Chairman Neabsco District,,  703.595.5285 (cell)

Robert Perry, Jr., Occoquan District,,  812.686.7117 (cell)

Juan McPhail, Potomac District,,  703.906.7278

Cynthia Moses-Nedd, Vice Chair, Woodbridge District Planning,, 703.973.0161

PWC Schools Proposed 14th High School Location Community Meeting Summary

The HOA sponsored a meeting held on August 15th at the Buckhall VFD to discuss the ramifications of PWC Schools’ proposal to locate a new high school on the Parkway adjacent to Hunters Ridge. A total of 68 residents attended in response to a community-wide invitation. In addition, several important guest speakers attended including Willie Deutsch, current Coles District School Board member and Yesli Vega (R) and Raheel Sheikh (D), both candidates for the Coles District Board of Supervisors vacancy.

The meeting was opened with introductory comments and welcoming by HOA President Delton Nichols at 7:00 p.m. The HOA Board and the invited guests were introduced.

Nick Nicolosi, HOA Treasurer, provided the near-final results of a survey that was conducted by the HOA to determine the level of community support for the proposed 14th high school’s location. At the time of the meeting 46% of the community had responded to the survey and, with the exception of one resident, were overwhelmingly opposed to the location. Nick then discussed the related issues and activities the HOA Board has pursued thus far. That discussion included details on the process the PWC School Board, Planning Commission and Board of Supervisors would follow in reviewing and approving this targeted Parkway location or any other location.

At this point, the three quest speakers were given the opportunity to offer their views and opinions on the proposed high school’s location and impact on Hunters Ridge. None expressed support for the proposed location on the Parkway. Mr. Deutsch explained the School Board’s likely schedule to decide on continuing to pursue the Parkway site. That schedule is likely to be in September. The School Board meets on September 4th and 18th. Agendas have not yet been finalized. A text alert will be distributed when the exact date is determined.

Jim White, HOA VP, moderated the question and answer segment of the agenda. The general tone and sentiment of the questioners was their disappointment and anger over the lack of transparency used by the School Board thus far in the process. They also expressed repeatedly their concern for traffic congestion. They also questioned the impact (contamination) on Hunters Ridge water wells as a result of school construction. At a policy level, several residents were puzzled as to why a high school intended to relieve demand on the County’s eastern end was being proposed in mid-county. Finally, the attendees wanted to know what they could do individually, outside the efforts of the HOA, to voice their opposition to the proposed location and their disappointment in the process. Jim explained that each resident could reach out individually and the HOA would provide contact info. That info is provided below.

The final agenda segment was “Next Steps” moderated by Del Nichols. After thanking residents for their attendance he quickly summarized that collectively we needed to: (1) Meet with, or contact, School Board members on an individual basis to voice opposition to the 14th high school’s proposed location; (2) Encourage large community turnouts at relevant School Board and Planning Commission meetings, and; (3) Familiarize ourselves with other opportunities to become relevant in the review process for this site.

The meeting adjourned at 9:40.

PWC School Board Contact Info

Babur Lateef, MD Chairman-at-Large 571-353-5469,
Justin Wilk, Vice Chairman, Potomac District, 703-791-8709,
William Deutsch, Coles District, 571-251-4039,
Lillie Jessie, Occoquan District, 571-659-1636,
Diane Raulston, Neabsco District, 571-251-3467,
Alyson Satterwhite, Gainesville District, 571-268-1733,
Gil Trenum, Brentsville District, 571-722-8874,
Loree Williams, Woodbridge District, 571-242-8259,

PWC Planning Commission Info

Don Taylor, At-Large,
Patti McKay, Brentsvile District,
Austin Haynes, Jr., Coles District,
Richard Berry, Gainesville District,
Edgar Holley, Neabsco District,
William Milne, Chairman, Occoquan District,
Rene Fry, Vice Chairman, Potomac District,
Cynthia Moses-Nedd, Woodbridge District,